Grand Conversation
21 June 2021, 3PM CEST – Zoom
This year 2021 is turning out to be rich in mutations. People are taking back their hopes and activities after the dark months of the Covid confinement. The great rendez-vous of G7, G20 and COP26 are proving to be rich in contents and looks promising in terms of a step towards new global assets. The “Next Generation EU” Plan aims at reinforcing not only the new generation, but also at reforming countries in a more just and efficient way.
The wind of digitalization blows strong and gives the feeling of a new world in gestation. All of us understand that we can be the protagonists: this is the reason for this Grand Conversation and the invitation to take part to actively discuss how to build the future rather than being a passive audience.
Click here to download the FINAL RESOLUTION.
You can rewatch the Grand Conversition here:
Have a look at the Agenda:

To watch the Grand Conversation on Facebook, please Click Here.
To Download the President's introduction greetings, please Click Here.